Ya know, back when I was young man and helping a friend fix his car, I asked why he needed me out in that 15 degree f. weather. He said, "Misery loves company."
Well that truism holds even for President Obama. Obama is the emptiest suit that has ever held the Office of President of the United States. It must be really miserable knowing that everyone around you has had some training or experience in their jobs.
As it is he is the most unprepared President in history, so he will need someone even less knowledgeable about their job than he is.
Hello, Leon Panetta.
The LA Times reports Leon Panetta's Senate confirmation Thursday, so Barack will have someone close who even less training for their new job than he does at his.
I'm not fond of predictions, but I'll bet that if this country is attacked in a major way President Obama will blame poor old Leon for not catching it.
Now, please understand that I do not hate President Obama. I just believe the country would be better served if he had stayed at Harvard Law School.
Shaddow CnC
10 years ago
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