I would say "finally, a GOP plan". Except there have been GOP plans submitted along with all the Democratic Party health care reform plans and for many months now. The fact that many Americans do not know of these plans calls for investigations if you ask me (something ain't right in the legacy media). Even Fox News Channel doesn't report on the GOP's plan, and they are supposed to be slanted conservative.
It's their alternative to the the new, expanded and improved HR 3200, renamed to HR 3962. The big news here is that is saves $68 billion over 10 years rather spending an additional $3 Trillion as Democrat plan does. And it is a mere 219 pages, as opposed to the 2079 pages in the Pelosi bill.
It has become news since Nancy Pelosi has allowed the GOP plan to be brought to the floor and be voted on. Of course, she does not allow any amendments or debate, but still. This the first and only of around ten Republican plans that she has allowed. She reveals the new Democratic Party version of "bipartisan". You know, the bipartisanship and equality they demanded of the "mean spirited" and "corrupt" GOP in the US Congress when Democrats were swept out in 1995?
The GOP bill is titled, "Common Sense Health Care Reform and Affordability Act". Their summary can be read HERE.
The main points are: interstate competition zones, individual access to group rates (by forming groups), expansion of health savings accounts (HSA's), children can remain on parent's policy until age 25, tort reform, insurance companies must accept preexisting conditions and cannot drop customers who become expensively ill.
Of course, there are already some of these consumer protections in place where preexisting conditions are concerned. Employer based insurance programs allow preexisting after a waiting period (usually 6-12 months). This has been the law for many years (did you know that? I'll bet not). What needs to happen to improve the options for the insured is to make this law available to anyone who buys insurance, instead of just being available through employers.
What it lacks are removal of the 7.5% income tax penalty Americans are charged for getting sick (the Democrat bill raises it to 10%) and no income tax incentives for purchasing insurance.
The Democratic public option is compared to Medicare in application, but Medicare is bankrupt and has been broke for decades. Over 40% of Medicare's funding comes from the general revenue (Part B subsidized at 75%). The copays, payroll taxes and monthly premiums fall short. The government cannot pay for the Democrat plan nor should we want them to.
The GOP health care reform plan looks much better than the Democrat plan due to its lower cost and no individual penalties (Dems want to tap you for 2.5% of your taxable income). Their plan relies more on expanding markets rather than government subsidized, meaning taxpayer subsidized, health care that is the public option.
If you want health care insurance reform, I suggest getting behind the Republicans on this one.
Shaddow CnC
10 years ago
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