Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow on February 2nd, 2010. This means we will have 6 more weeks of global warming, er, I mean Winter. That statement may seem odd at first glance, but once you look into it a little, it makes perfect sense.
The religion of Global Warming, re-branded as "Global Climate Change" (you know, a CYA in case the temperatures move in other directions). Well it has. While some scientists are reporting that global temperatures have been on a cooling trend for the last decade or so, the AGW's are claiming it just a small cycle in the big picture. Just like they are saying now the the some areas of this country's 100 year snow storms and record cold spells are evidence of global warming. They ere the real deniers.
I believe in global climate change.
I also believe there is a profit motive behind the current global warming and I ain't buyin' it.
Shaddow CnC
10 years ago
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