Wednesday, October 21, 2009 Wants the Public Option wants a public health care option. They have enlisted actress Heather Graham to sell the public option (PO) to Americans. It depicts Ms. Graham as a sprinter and the private sector insurance (Big Health Care) as a bunch of fat n' happy lallygagers, filling up on donuts at our expense. The race starts and Ms. Graham pulls ahead but Big Health Care (BHC) catches up after a while. I interpret this to mean that with the the public option, BHC will adjust down to the new premium rates imposed by big government (BG).

While the PO may be preparing for a race, it will be a race to the death of private sector health insurance and a sprint to national bankruptcy.

As Dennis Miller said many years ago (paraphrasing here), "there comes a time when these countries, such as China, say 'wait a minute, what about that other $100 billion you owe us. We gotta have something, my friend."

Of course that will not happen. What will happen is BHC will die a quick death, as Moveon, Democrats in government and the legacy media want to happen in favor of a European style single payer system.

In the video they also want us to know that 70% of Americans also want to be PO'd. Of course that is misleading in a big way.

An October 23rd, 2009, Rasmussan poll shows,
"Forty-nine percent (49%) of voters nationwide say that passing no health care reform bill this year would be better than passing the plan currently working its way through Congress." (which includes being PO'd)
But lying is a trait that liberals admire. (See Clinton, William, US President)

Rasmussan also points out,
"One reason that Democrats have been careful to distinguish between their reform plan and a single-payer system is that just 32% favor single-payer health care while 57% are opposed."
Honesty can't win it for them.

Once again, is barking up the socialist tree and using lies and distractions to move their agenda on. Another reason to oppose being PO'd and another reason to disregard this commercial.

The video...

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