Friday, January 16, 2015

Best idea ever? Sign the petition for debt-free college - Probably Not

The title, "Best idea ever? Sign the petition for debt-free college", is from an email from the Daily Kos.  They believe that having taxpayers pick up the tab for the two year drinkfest by young adults is good thing and want anyone they can influence to sign their petition.
"Petition Text - Our Message to Congressional Democrats
We support free community college as a first step toward debt-free college at all public institutions of higher learning. This is the kind of big idea that Americans are crying out for and need to see more of from Democrats. If you fight, we will fight alongside you."
This plan is another way to remove wealth, freedom and personal responsibility from more Americans.  It seems that this is the goal of all progressive ideas - less personal responsibility and a lack of discipline where someone else picks up the bill - and make no mistake, there will be a bill. The bill for the freeloader's education will be paid by taxpayers.  This is a problem as more and more people live off the labor of others there will a time when there aren't enough workers to carry the takers and the system will collapse.

Update:  The best written article about this subject is by Ann Coulter, titled "As Long as Obama Brought Up the Cost of College...".  Read and believe.

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