Friday, May 15, 2009

Paul Begala is rewriting history in his own terms at the Huffington Post. I know it's his own terms because I challenged the validity if his remarks and my post was deleted. You can go there and read his post and the 30 web pages of remarks. The vast majority giving Mr. Begala props for posting "what needed to be written".

Briefly, Mr. Begala is trying to make the case that President Bush did not protect America as 3000 people died horribly on his watch, the Clinton administration warned him and he then used rendition and torture to extract information linking Iraq with Al Quaida as an excuse to invade that peace loving country.

Since he left out critical information, I concluded that he was misleading readers by focusing on his Bush-hate talking points. My response, which was never published along with the others, is as follows:
Mr. Begala, this a lovely fantasy that I'm sure all the folks here will take to heart. However, you conveniently leave out President Clinton's, or better yet, your Director of the CIA,George Tenet. Remember him? While you are focusing on interrogations that may or may not have occurred (you offer no evidence), your CIA director was telling the President of the United States that Saddam Hussein had WMD. He said it was a "slam dunk".

Recall that we resumed the shooting war with Saddam because he violated the ceasefire he agreed to, according to the United Nations.

Moreover, The Bush Administration consistently and repeatedly said that the Iraqis had no operational involvement with the 9/11 attacks by Al Quaida.

Rewriting history is one of the left's most widely used tools, but 7 or 8 years is too recent to attempt it.

Posted 08:11 PM on 05/14/2009

Update (3:3:47 PM, 05/19/2009)

OK, so maybe the Huffington Post's censors didn't care for my attitude with that attempt to inform. So I reworded it a little and posted it again today. Here is what it says now.
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Interesting position on the events that led up to the resumption of hostilities with Iraq. However, you leave out President Clinton's Director of the CIA,George Tenet. While you are focusing on interrogations that may or may not have occurred. Mr. Tenet was telling the President of the United States that Saddam Hussein had WMD. He said it was a "slam dunk".

Recall that we resumed the shooting war with Saddam because he repeatedly violated the ceasefire he had agreed to. This according to the United Nations. The Iraqi military had been targeting and shooting at US war planes since shortly after the ceasefire in 1991. Each one an act of war. Moreover, the Bush administration negotiated with Saddam Hussein for 14 months before going in.

The Bush Administration consistently and repeatedly said that the Iraqis had no operational involvement with the 9/11 attacks by Al Quaida.
Posted 03:47 PM on 05/19/2009

Another update (4:42 PM, same day)

It seems this one is much more to the censor's liking.

Comments welcome

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